API ReferenceRoadmap

v 22.5.3

Public OpenAPI spec and Postman collection

To enable easier testing and setup of the Xentral API, you can now use our OpenAPI spec or Postman collection and import into your favourite editor. Retrieve the files through the public repository: https://github.com/xentral/api-spec-public. For any feedback, please reach out to [email protected]

Delivery Notes API

List all delivery notes in your instance

NOTE: This endpoint is only available as beta version and will introduce breaking changes without further notice or versioning.

GET https://xentralId.xentral.biz/api/deliveryNotes

More details at https://developer.xentral.com/reference/deliverynotelist

Warehouse API

List all items in a storage location of a specific warehouse

NOTE: This endpoint is only available as beta version and will introduce breaking changes without further notice or versioning.

GET https://xentralId.xentral.biz/api/warehouses/{warehouseId}/storageLocations/{storageLocationId}/items

More details at: https://developer.xentral.com/reference/warehouselist

Add item to storage location

NOTE: This endpoint is only available as beta version and will introduce breaking changes without further notice or versioning.

curl --location --request POST 'https://xentralId.xentral.biz/api/warehouses/:warehouseId/storageLocations/:storageLocationId/items' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/vnd.xentral.default.v1-beta+json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 1234|example' \
--data-raw '{
     "product": {
          "sku": "1000"
     "quantity": 100

Remove items from storage location

NOTE: This endpoint is only available as beta version and will introduce breaking changes without further notice or versioning.

curl --location --request PATCH 'https://xentralId.xentral.biz/api/warehouses/:warehouseId/storageLocations/:storageLocationId/items' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/vnd.xentral.default.v1-beta+json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 1234|example' \
--data-raw '{
     "product": {
          "sku": "1000"
     "quantity": 100

More details at: https://developer.xentral.com/reference/warehouseretrieveitem

Credit Notes API

List Credit Notes

Allows you to retrieve all the Credit Notes from your instance

GET https://xentralId.xentral.biz/api/creditNotes

More details at: https://developer.xentral.com/reference/creditnotelist

Products API

Create single product

Allows you to create a single product

POST https://xentralId.xentral.biz/api/products

More details at: https://developer.xentral.com/reference/productcreate