API Reference

[ALPHA] Carrier Integration Service Contract

The Carrier Integration Service Contract specifies the endpoints that need to be implemented to build a custom carrier for Xentral.

The following three endpoints MUST be implemented:

  • GET /xentral/liveness → A required endpoint we will call every minute to make sure your service is actually alive.
  • GET /xentral/carriers → A required endpoint that returns what carriers and their accompanying products are available for a customer. This endpoint is used to setup your implemented service as Shipping Method within Xentral.
  • POST /xentral/shipments → A required endpoint that will be used by Xentral to get a label from your service

There are two endpoints that we highly recommend to implement:

  • DELETE /xentral/shipments/{id} → An OPTIONAL endpoint that will be used to void a shipment that is no longer necessary.
  • GET /xentral/shipments/{id} → An OPTIONAL endpoint that will be used by Xentral to refetch the data for a specific shipment.

For more information on how to build custom carriers see https://developer.xentral.com/docs/carrier-integration.