JUMP TOXentral APIIntroductionAuthenticationRate LimitingMedia types & variantsVersioningFiltering, Ordering, & PaginationTesting the APIsFeedback?Xentral APIAccounting ExportExecute the accounting CSV export for invoices and credit notespostExecute the accounting CSV export for liabilitiespostExecute the accounting CSV export for account transactionspostExecute the accounting XML export for invoicespostExecute the accounting XML export for credit notespostExecute the accounting XML export for liabilitiespostCheck the export statusgetDownload a generated export filegetCollectionGet list of collectionsgetCreate collectionpostGet a collectiongetUpdate a collectionpatchDelete a collection.deleteCreditGet credit informationgetCredit NoteCreate credit notepostList credit notesgetView credit notegetDelete single credit notedeleteUpdate single credit notepatchView Credit Note BalancegetView related documents for credit notegetCreate Positions for Credit notepostUpdate Positions for Credit NotepatchDelete Position from Credit NotedeleteCredit Note TagList Credit Notes tagsgetCustomerCreate customerpostList customergetUpdate multiple customers tagspatchView customergetUpdate single customer tagspatchDelete customerdeleteRetrieve a list of customersgetCreate a customerpostView CustomergetUpdate a customerpatchCustomer AddressView Customer AddressgetCustomer - Contact PersonProvides a list of contact persons belongs to a customergetCreate contact person related to specific customerpostUpdate contact person related to specific customerpatchDelete contact person related to specific customerdeleteGet customer contact person by IDgetCustomer TagList customers tagsgetDelivery NoteDelivery note listgetView delivery notegetView delivery note deliveries aka shipmentsgetView delivery note shipments aka deliveriesgetDelivery Note TagList delivery notes tagsgetDeliveryList deliveriesgetView delivery aka shipmentgetView shipment aka deliverygetDelivery TermsList Delivery TermsgetDocumentationGet list of documentationgetEmployeeList employeesgetExternal ReferenceList external references for given ProductgetCreate new external references for a given ProductpostUpdate external references for a given ProductpatchDelete external references of a given ProductdeleteExternal Reference TargetList External Reference TargetsgetGoods ReceiptCreate a new goods receipt for a purchase orderpostCreate a new goods receipt for a returnpostInvoiceCreate invoicepostList invoicesgetView invoicegetDelete single invoicedeleteUpdate single invoicepatchView Invoice BalancegetView related documents for invoicegetCreate Positions for InvoicepostDelete Position from InvoicedeleteSend invoicepatchUpdate status for single invoicepatchInvoice TagList Invoice tagsgetLiabilityCreate liabilitypostList LiabilitiesgetView liabilitygetAdd a liability document to an existing liabilitypostMatrixproductUpdates a single option of a matrix product.patchView a single value from an option of a matrix product.getUpdates a single value from an option of a matrix product.patchLists all values from an option of a matrix product.getCreates multiple values for an option of a matrix product.postPayment MethodsPayment method listgetPayment Terms GroupGet a list of paymentTermsGroupsgetCreate a new paymentTermsGrouppostGet a single paymentTermsGroupgetPayment TransactionView a single payment transactionget[EARLY ACCESS] Update status for single Payment TransactionpatchPoint Of SaleCashier listgetCashier PIN checkpostCash Register balancegetJournals listgetAdd journal entrypostAdd cash count entrypostProductCreate new productpostView options of a productgetList productsgetCreates new option for a productpostUpdate multiple productspatchUpdate multiple options of a productpatchDelete multiple productsdeleteDeletes multiple options of a productdeleteView productgetUpdate productpatchDelete productdeleteView mediagetDeletes a single value from an option of a matrix product.deleteView purchase pricesgetView sales pricesgetDeletes multiple values from an option of a matrix product.deleteView purchase orders positionsgetView sales orders positionsgetView productions positionsgetView propertiesgetUpdate propertiespatchView reservationsgetView partsgetCreate new parts for productpostUpdate parts of a productpatchDeletes parts of a productdeleteView storage locationsgetList cross selling of a productgetCreate new cross selling for a productpostUpdate cross selling of a productpatchDelete cross selling of a productdeleteCreates variants for a matrix productpostList productsgetProduct CategoryLists available products categoriesgetCreate new product categorypostView a single product categorygetUpdate a single product categorypatchDelete a single product categorydeleteProduct Free Fieldlist of information about product free fields from company settingsgetupdate information of multiple product free fields from company settingspatchview information about a single product free field from company settingsgetupdate information about a single product free field from company settingspatchProduct MediaCreate product mediapostUpdate multiple product mediapatchDelete multiple product mediadeleteList product mediagetView product mediagetCreate product media versionpostView product media versiongetUpdates product media versionpatchDelete product media versiondeleteProduct TagList products tagsgetCreate new product tagpostUpdate a single product tagpatchProduct PropertyCreate products propertiespostList products propertiesgetUpdate multiple products propertiespatchDelete multiple products propertiesdeleteProduct Merchandise GroupLists available products merchandise groupsgetCreate new product merchandise grouppostView a single product merchandise groupgetUpdate a single product merchandise grouppatchDelete a single product merchandise groupdeleteProductionList ProductionsgetView ProductiongetProjectList projectsgetList POS settings for projectgetProvisional ReturnList provisional returnsgetPurchase OrderLists available purchase ordersgetCreate new purchase orderpostView a single purchase ordergetUpdate existing purchase orderpatchCancels a purchase orderpatchReleases a purchase orderpatchPurchase PriceCreate purchase pricepostList purchase pricesgetUpdate multiple purchase pricespatchView purchase pricegetUpdate purchase pricepatchDelete purchase pricedeleteQueryExecute a query synchronouslypostCreate a query execution job on the Analytics platformpostGet a list of recent queriesgetGet specific query result status by IDgetReportGet list of reports.getCreate reportpostGet report by ID.getUpdate a reportpatchDelete a report.deleteList all recent exports for that reportgetCreate an export for given reportpostExecute a query synchronously based on a report IDpostGet permalink for reportgetGet permalink for reportpostInvalidate permalink for reportdeleteDownload report via permalinkgetList schedules for reportgetCreate schedule for reportpostDelete schedule for reportdeleteReport UsageGet report usagegetReturnCreate a returnpostList returnsgetView returngetCreate return documentpostUpdate multiple return documentspatchDelete multiple return documentsdeleteView return document listgetView return documentgetRelease a returnpostReturn ReasonList of return reasonsgetSales Channels Product SettingsCreates sales channel settings for a single product.postDeletes sales channel settings for a single product.deleteUpdates sales channel settings for a single product.patchSales PriceCreate sales pricepostList sales pricesgetUpdate multiple sales pricespatchView sales pricegetUpdate sales pricepatchDelete sales pricedeleteSales OrderList sales ordersgetImport sales orderpostDispatch a released sales orderpostCancel a sales orderpostView sales ordergetUpdate existing sales orderpatchDelete draft sales orderdeleteCreate sales order documentpostUpdate multiple sales order documentspatchDelete multiple sales order documentsdeleteView sales order document listgetView sales order documentgetShipping MethodsList shipping methodsgetCreate Shipping MethodpostView Shipping MethodgetUpdate Shipping MethodputStock Movement TypesCreate a stockMovementTypepostSupplierList suppliersgetUpdate multiple suppliers tagspatchView suppliergetUpdate single Supplier tagspatchDelete supplierdeleteSupplier TagList suppliers tagsgetUserCreate userpostList usersgetView usergetUpdate userpatchDelete single userdeleteView user's permissionsgetRequest reset password emailpostStorage LocationStorage location listgetStorage ItemStorage item listgetAdd item to Storage LocationpostRetrieves item from Storage LocationpatchWarehouseWarehouse listgetWebhookCreate a webhookpostList webhooksgetView a webhookgetUpdate a webhookpatchDelete a webhook.deleteList webhook event typesgetTax RateList tax ratesgetReporting SettingsGet settingsgetUpdate settingspatchProduct LabelPrint product labelpostDownload product label as pdfgetEventsWebhooks [BETA]Legacy APIsStandard APIREST APICarrier Integration Service ContractCarrier Integration Service ContractCheck the liveness of the servicegetGet available carriersgetCreate shipmentpostGet shipmentgetCancel shipmentdeleteCashier PIN checkpost https://{xentralId}.xentral.biz/api/v1/cashiers/{id}/pinCheckChecks a pin for cashier.